Trendjacking: When to Jump On Trends and When Not To

Trendjacking: When to Jump On Trends and When Not To

In the ever-evolving world of social media, trends come and go every other day. One day it’s a dance, the next it’s a hashtag. For brands, joining these trends can be great, but timing is key.

Social media trends can give your brand an incredible boost. They’re fun, dynamic, and if done right, can skyrocket your visibility. But here’s the catch – not every trend is your brand’s best friend. So, how do you decide?

When to Jump On It

1. Relevance to Your Brand

If a trend aligns perfectly with your brand’s values and voice, go for it! Trends that naturally fit your brand make your participation seem authentic rather than forced. Take Piggyvest, for instance. When the numbers trend took off, they jumped in with both feet. Why? Because numbers are their bread and butter. It wasn’t a stretch; it was a natural extension of their brand voice.

2. Audience Engagement

Does your audience love trends? If they’re engaging with a trend, seize the chance to join in. Pay attention to their conversations and meet them where they are. Sterling Bank nailed this approach. They didn’t just use trending words; they wove them into their message with finesse. The result? Their audience responded with enthusiasm. 

3. Timing is Everything

Jumping on a trend early can give you a competitive edge. But beware, jumping too late can make your brand seem out of touch. Monitor trends closely and be prepared to act swiftly. 

4. Give it your original touch

When your brand decides to jump on a trend, remember that you won’t be the only company joining the conversation. Add your brand’s personal touch and tailor the content to both your current audience and the one you’re aiming to attract. A great example of this is Emirates with the Ceiling Challenge. They even tweaked the song lyrics, cleaning them up to match their brand image. It was a masterstroke of brand-appropriate creativity

@emirates This trend but make it First Class. #Emirates #FirstClass #TravelTok #PlaneTok #LuxuryTravel #SurroundSound ♬ original sound – Emirates

When to Stay Out

1. Misalignment with Brand Identity

Not every trend will fit your brand’s identity. Know when to draw the line. Jumping on a trend that doesn’t align with your brand can confuse your audience and dilute your message. Stay true to your brand values and avoid bandwagoning for the sake of it.

2. Sensitive or Controversial Trends

Steer clear of trends that could be perceived as insensitive or controversial. What’s humorous to some might be offensive to others. It’s crucial to evaluate the potential impact on your brand’s reputation before jumping in. 

3. Lack of Resources

Do you have the resources to create quality content for the trend? Half-baked attempts can backfire. If you don’t have the time or resources to execute well, it might be better to sit this one out. 

Need help figuring out your brand’s trend strategy?

We’re here to assist with brand strategy, building your brand image, and social media content. Book a call with us to get started on making trends work for your brand.

Images: Sterling Bank
Videos: Piggyvest, Emirates

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